Monday, December 8, 2014

The holidays are here!!A week back I had the pleasure of having an international Thanksgiving, where everyone participated in helping to feed everyone--ended up being WAY to much food! A.K.A a success! I also came up with the conclusion that potatoes are the staple of many countries. This mainly happened because we had two types of potato salad, mashed potatoes, and then the classic sweet potatoes for the meal.

Unfortunately, there will be no photos for this post--still waiting for them to come up on facebook. But another thing that was really exciting since my last post, was my school's gala. Every year the school puts on a large party for the students and people from the area. It was amazing! The crowing glory of the whole event is the fashion show, where students have worked all year to create outfits out of wood! The theme for the event was "Traveling Around the World in Eighty Days", besides the fashion show that reflected this theme, it was also seen in the food that was offered for the event. The organizing committee asked all the international students to cook something from there country--for about 100 people.

My fellow American and I decided to make chili and it was no small feat to make! The mix was consisted of about 2 kg onion, 8 kg of tomatoes, 6 kg of beans, 4kg of meat, and then the miscellaneous spices. It always baffles me when I see large amount of food being cooked. The gala was fun and ended nice an early around 2 am (see early) and when it was literally freezing outside, but it was well worth it.

Now, yet again I will tell you how busy I have been and that I am somewhat sorry for not being very consistent with these posts. Well my ridiculous excuse this time is that I have been having classes from 8/9 to 5/6 everyday this last week and will continue it through this week! This week of classes is dedicated to a business simulation, last week we started a business plan, and then there is the ever constant projects that we have to work on...I think we have about three going at the moment, but I loose track a bit.

Anyways, now that you've heard my excuses I'll stop boring you and leave you with a promise of pictures for the next post that will include a review so you know what's going on.

Happy Holidays!

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